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Food Items

This resource is used to query the myfood24 food databases.

The Food Item object


"food_brand":"Non brand (generic)",
"food_category":"Breakfast Cereals",
"barcode": "99914400006",
"barcode_2": null,
"barcode_brand_prefix": "999144",
"name":"[NEW] McCance and Widdowson 7 2021 (Generic)",
"description":"[NEW] McCance and Widdowson 7 2021 (Generic)"
"description":"tablespoon, dry"
"description":"Skimmed milk"
// ...


idintFood Item ID
descriptionstringFood name
food_brandstringfilterable orderableFood brand
food_categorystringfilterable orderableFood category
food_sub_categorystringnullableFood subcategory (if used)
is_generic_itembooleanfilterable orderable Indicates if this food is a generic item (non-branded)
dry_multiplierfloatCooking factor for dry goods (see myfood24 user manuals for further information)
barcodestringnullableBarcode of product (if available)
barcode_2stringnullableSecondary barcode of product (if available).
barcode_brand_prefixstringnullableFirst 6 digits of the barcode of the product (if available). If a product does not have an exact barcode match, the first 6 digits of the barcode can be used to identify the brand of the product and search for similar foods.
food_databaseobjectincludesSee Food Database section
food_database.idintFood Database ID
food_database.countrystringCountry/region where food database is applicable
food_database.namestringName of food database
food_database.versionstringVersion of food database
food_database.descriptionstringDescription of food database
portions arrayincludesStandard portions of this food
portions[].unitstringPortion unit e.g. grams, millilitres
portions[].imageurlnullableA URL to the full size image of this portion, if applicable
portions[].image_thumbnailurlnullableA URL to a thumbnail image (175x175) of this portion, if applicable
portions[].sizefloatTotal portion size
portions[].descriptionstringPortion description e.g. half a pizza
food_accompanimentsarrayincludesFoods that commonly are added alongside this food
food_accompaniments[].idintFood Accompaniment Item ID
food_accompaniments[].descriptionstringDescription of the food accompaniment
valuesobjectincludesSee Values

List Food Items

GET /food_items

Retrieves a list of paginated Food Items. The items by default are sorted by myfood24's relevancy score, however custom ordering can be supplied if required (see Sorting).


Query parameters

The below query parameters are in addition to those discussed in the Overview section.

searchstringrequiredA search term to filter food items, with a minimum of 2 characters

Example request

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Api-Key API-KEY' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Retrieve Food Item

GET /food_items/{id}

Retrieves a single Food Item

List Food Items by barcode

GET /food_items/barcode/{barcode}

Retrieves a list of paginated Food Items filtered by barcode rather than a search term. The same query parameters as List Food Items apply except search.

An additional match_type property will be returned in the response to indicate the level of barcode match:

  • The value will be null if no match was found.
  • The value will be "exact" if exact barcode matches were found.
  • The value will be "brand_prefix" if no exact matches were found, but the barcode prefix was matched.

Example request

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Api-Key API-KEY' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example response

"meta": {
"match_type": "exact"
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
// ...
"barcode": "99914400006",
"barcode_2": null,
"barcode_brand_prefix": "999144"


The keys provided in the values field will depend on the locale selected for your App when configured by the myfood24 team. The values field is a JSON mapping with a string key and a float or null value:

  • a float indicates the value with the unit provided in the descriptions below
  • a null value indicates there is no value for the key provided for this food

Calculating a portion

Nutrient variables are per 100g portion, so to get the total value of a variable from a portion size, the calculation is:

(portion_size / 100) * dry_multiplier * variable_value

For example, if the required portion size is 25g and the value of the NA (Sodium (mg)) variable is 300, then the calculation would be:

(25/100) * 1 * 300 = 75mg

The unit of the variables are included in the Description column in the tables below (mg, g, µg, kcal).

The following variables are factors, and so should not be multiplied by portion size or the dry portion multiplier:

  • NCF
  • GCF
  • NOVA
  • HFSS A Point
  • HFSS C Point
  • HFSS Score
  • HFSS Outcome
  • FAC variables (all)

English (UK)

EDPOREdible proportion
SPECGRAVSpecific gravity
NCFNitrogen conversion factor
GCFGlycerol conversion factor
SOLDTotal solids (g)
WATERWater (g)
TOTNITTotal nitrogen (g)
PROTProtein (g)
FATFat (g)
CHOCarbohydrate (g)
KCALSEnergy (kcal)
KJEnergy (kJ)
STARStarch (g)
OLIGOOligosaccharide (g)
TOTSUGTotal sugars (g)
GLUCGlucose (g)
GALACTGalactose (g)
FRUCTFructose (g)
SUCRSucrose (g)
MALTMaltose (g)
LACTLactose (g)
ALCOAlcohol (g)
ENGFIBNon-starch polysaccharide (NSP) (g)
SATFACSaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODSaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn6PFACTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn6PFODTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn3PFACTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn3PFODTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACMonounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODMonounsaturated fatty acids (g)
POLYFACccis-Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODccis-Polyunsaturated fatty (g)
POLYFACPolyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODPolyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
SATFACx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched (g)
TOTBRFACTotal branched chain fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTBRFODTotal branched chain fatty acids (g)
FACTRANSTotal trans fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
FODTRANSTotal trans fatty acids (g)
CHOLCholesterol (mg)
NASodium (mg)
KPotassium (mg)
CACalcium (mg)
MGMagnesium (mg)
PPhosphorus (mg)
FEIron (mg)
CUCopper (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
CLChloride (mg)
MNManganese (mg)
SESelenium (µg)
IIodine (µg)
RETRetinol (µg)
CAREQUCarotene (µg)
RETEQURetinol Equivalent (µg)
VITDTotal Vitamin D (µg)
VITETotal Vitamin E (mg)
VITK1Phylloquinone - Vitamin K1 (µg)
THIAThiamin (mg)
RIBORiboflavin (mg)
NIACNiacin (mg)
TRYP60Tryptophan/60 (mg)
NIACEQUNiacin equivalent (mg)
VITB6Vitamin B6 (mg)
VITB12Vitamin B12 (µg)
FOLTFolate (µg)
PANTOPantothenate (mg)
BIOTBiotin (µg)
VITCVitamin C (mg)
ALTRETAll-trans-retinol (µg)
13CISRET13-cis-retinol (µg)
DEHYRETDehydroretinol (µg)
RETALDRetinaldehyde (µg)
ACARAlpha-carotene (µg)
BCARBeta-carotene (µg)
CRYPTCryptoxanthins (µg)
LUTLutein (µg)
LYCOLycopene (µg)
25OHD325-hydroxy vitamin D3 (µg)
VITD3Cholecalciferol (µg)
5METHF5-methyl folate (µg)
ATOPHAlpha-tocopherol (mg)
BTOPHBeta-tocopherol (mg)
DTOPHDelta-tocopherol (mg)
GTOPHGamma-tocopherol (mg)
ATOTRAlpha-tocotrienol (mg)
DTOTRDelta-tocotrienol (mg)
GTOTRGamma-tocotrienol (mg)
FAC14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 (g)
FOD16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 (g)
FAC20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:4cn6cis n-6 C20:4 eicosatetraenoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FOD20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (g)
FOD22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (g)
Total PHYTOTotal phytosterols (mg)
Other CHOL and PHYTOOther cholesterol and phytosterols (mg)
PHYTOPhytosterol (mg)
BSITPHYTOBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASPHYTOBrassicasterol (mg)
CAMPHYTOCampesterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
D7AVENDelta-7-avenasterol (mg)
D7STIGDelta-7-stigmastenol (mg)
STIGPHYTOStigmasterol (mg)
CITACitric acid (g)
MALAMalic acid (g)
LKCALLEnergy (kcal)
LKJLEnergy (kJ)
LPROTLProtein (g)
LCHOLCarbohydrate (g)
LTOTSUGLTotal Sugars (g)
LSTARLStarch (g)
ASHInorganic residue after water and organic matter removed by heating (g)
VITA_RAERetinol activity equivalent (µg)
VITAVitamin A, calculated by summation of Vitamin A activities of retinol and the active carotenoids (µg)
CARTBEQBeta-carotene equivalents (µg)
FOLDFEFolate, dietary folate equivalents (µg)
FDNUMBERUnique identifier
GHGEGreenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2 eq)
LANDUSELand use (m2/year)
WATERUSEFreshwater withdrawals (L)
MWGroupCodeFood group categorisation according to the letter codes found in the MW7 User Guide
ORGANICACIDSOrganic acids (g)
SSulfur (mg)
FFluoride (mg)
MANNITOLMannitol (mg)
SORBITOLSorbitol (mg)
XYLITOLXylitol (mg)
SUGARALCOHOLSSugar alcohols (mg)
MONOSACMonosaccharides (g)
DISACDisaccharides (g)
POLYSACPolysaccharides (g)
NROLIGONon-absorbable oligosaccharides (g)
GLYCOGlycogen (g)
PENTPentose (g)
HEXHexose (g)
URONAUronic acid (g)
CELLCellulose (g)
LIGLignin (g)
SOLFIBSoluble fibre (g)
INSOLFIBInsoluble fibre (g)
ILEIsoleucine (g)
LEULeucine (g)
LYSLysine (g)
METMethionine (g)
CYSCystine (g)
PHEPhenylalanine (g)
TYRTyrosine (g)
THRThreonine (g)
TRPTryptophan (g)
VALValine (g)
ARGArginine (g)
HISHistidine (g)
ESSENTIALEssential amino acids (g)
ALAAlanine (g)
ASPAspartic acid (g)
GLUGlutamic acid (g)
GLYGlycine (g)
PROProline (g)
SERSerine (g)
NONESSENTIALNon-essential amino acids (g)
URAUric acid (g)
PURINEPurine (g)
FOD4:0Butanoic/butyric acid C4:0 (g)
FOD6:0Hexanoic/caproic acid C6:0 (g)
FOD8:0Octanoic/caprylic acid C8:0 (g)
FOD10:0Decanoic/capric acid C10:0 (g)
FOD12:0Dodecanoic/lauric acid C12:0 (g)
FOD15:0Pentadecanoic acid C15:0 (g)
FOD17:0Heptadecanoic acid C17:0 (g)
FOD18:0Octadecanoic acid C18:0 (g)
FOD20:0Eicosanoic/arachidic acid C20:0 (g)
FOD22:0Decosenoic/behenic acid C22:0 (g)
FOD24:0Tetracosanoic/lignoceric acid C24:0 (g)
FOD14:1Tetradecenoic acid C14:1 (g)
FOD15:1Pentadecenoic acid C15:1 (g)
FOD16:1Hexadecenoic/palmitoleic acid C16:1 (g)
FOD17:1Heptadecenoic acid C17:1 (g)
FOD18:1Octadecenoic/oleic acid C18:1 (g)
FOD20:1Eicosenoic acid C20:1 (g)
FOD22:1Decosenoic/erucic acid C22:1 (g)
FOD24:1Tetracosenoic/nervonic acid C24:1 (g)
FOD16:2Hexadecadienoic acid C16:2 (g)
FOD16:4Hexadecatetraenoic acid C16:4 (g)
FOD18:2Octadecadienoic/linoleic acid C18:2 (g)
FOD18:3Octadecatrienoic/linolenic acid C18:3 (g)
FOD18:4Octadecatetraenoic/stearidonic acid C18:4 (g)
FOD19:3Nonadecatrienoic acid C19:3 (g)
FOD20:2Eicosadienoic acid C20:2 (g)
FOD20:3Eicosatrienoic acid C20:3 (g)
FOD20:4Eicosatetraenoic/arachidonic acid C20:4 (g)
FOD20:5Eicosapentaenoic acid C20:5 (g)
FOD22:2Docosadienoic acid C22:2 (g)
FOD22:3Docosatrienoic acid C22:3 (g)
FOD22:4Docosatetraenoic acid C22:4 (g)
FOD22:5Docosapentaenoic acid C22:5 (g)
FOD22:6Docosahexaenoic acid C22:6 (g)
SCFAShort chain fatty acids (g)
MCFAMedium chain fatty acids (g)
LCFALong chain fatty acids (g)
GLYCLIPGlycerin and lipids (g)
P/SPhosphorus to sulfur ratio
SALTSalt (g)
NutsTotal nuts (g)
SeedsTotal seeds (g)
DriedfruitsTotal dried fruit (g)
CAFFCaffeine (mg)
FREE_SUGARFree sugars (g)
ADDED_SUGARAdded sugars (g)
HFSS A PointHFSS A Point Score
HFSS C PointHFSS C Point Score
HFSS ScoreHFSS Total Score
CYSTICysteine (g)
HYPHydroxyproline (g)
FAC18:3cn3cis n-3 Octadecatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD18:3cn3cis n-3 Octadecatrienoic acid per 100g food (g)
FOD18:2cn6cis n-6 Octadecadienoic acid per 100g food (g)
FAC18:3cn6cis n-6 Octadecatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD18:3cn6cis n-6 Octadecatrienoic acid per 100g food (g)


EDPOREdible proportion
SPECGRAVSpecific gravity
SOLDTotal solids (g)
NCFNitrogen conversion factor
GCFGlycerol conversion factor
WATERWater (g)
TOTNITTotal nitrogen (g)
PROTProtein (g)
FATFat (g)
CHOCarbohydrate (g)
KCALSEnergy (kcal)
KJEnergy (kJ)
STARStarch (g)
OLIGOOligosaccharide (g)
TOTSUGTotal sugars (g)
GLUCGlucose (g)
GALACTGalactose (g)
FRUCTFructose (g)
SUCRSucrose (g)
MALTMaltose (g)
LACTLactose (g)
ALCOAlcohol (g)
ENGFIBNon-starch polysaccharide (NSP) (g)
SATFACSaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODSaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn6PFACTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn6PFODTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn3PFACTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn3PFODTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACMonounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODMonounsaturated fatty acids (g)
POLYFACccis-Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODccis-Polyunsaturated fatty (g)
POLYFACPolyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODPolyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
SATFACx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched (g)
TOTBRFACTotal branched chain fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTBRFODTotal branched chain fatty acids (g)
FACTRANSTotal trans fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
FODTRANSTotal trans fatty acids (g)
CHOLCholesterol (mg)
NASodium (mg)
KPotassium (mg)
CACalcium (mg)
MGMagnesium (mg)
PPhosphorus (mg)
FEIron (mg)
CUCopper (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
CLChloride (mg)
MNManganese (mg)
SESelenium (µg)
IIodine (µg)
RETRetinol (µg)
CAREQUCarotene (µg)
RETEQURetinol Equivalent (µg)
VITDTotal Vitamin D (µg)
VITETotal Vitamin E (mg)
VITK1Phylloquinone - Vitamin K1 (µg)
THIAThiamin (mg)
RIBORiboflavin (mg)
NIACNiacin (mg)
TRYP60Tryptophan/60 (mg)
NIACEQUNiacin equivalent (mg)
VITB6Vitamin B6 (mg)
VITB12Vitamin B12 (µg)
FOLTFolate (µg)
PANTOPantothenate (mg)
BIOTBiotin (µg)
VITCVitamin C (mg)
ALTRETAll-trans-retinol (µg)
13CISRET13-cis-retinol (µg)
DEHYRETDehydroretinol (µg)
RETALDRetinaldehyde (µg)
ACARAlpha-carotene (µg)
BCARBeta-carotene (µg)
CRYPTCryptoxanthins (µg)
LUTLutein (µg)
LYCOLycopene (µg)
25OHD325-hydroxy vitamin D3 (µg)
VITD3Cholecalciferol (µg)
5METHF5-methyl folate (µg)
ATOPHAlpha-tocopherol (mg)
BTOPHBeta-tocopherol (mg)
DTOPHDelta-tocopherol (mg)
GTOPHGamma-tocopherol (mg)
ATOTRAlpha-tocotrienol (mg)
DTOTRDelta-tocotrienol (mg)
GTOTRGamma-tocotrienol (mg)
FAC14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 (g)
FOD16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 (g)
FAC20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:4cn6cis n-6 C20:4 eicosatetraenoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FOD20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (g)
FOD22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (g)
Total PHYTOTotal phytosterols (mg)
Other CHOL and PHYTOOther cholesterol and phytosterols (mg)
PHYTOPhytosterol (mg)
BSITPHYTOBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASPHYTOBrassicasterol (mg)
CAMPHYTOCampesterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
D7AVENDelta-7-avenasterol (mg)
D7STIGDelta-7-stigmastenol (mg)
STIGPHYTOStigmasterol (mg)
CITACitric acid (g)
MALAMalic acid (g)
LKCALLEnergy (kcal)
LKJLEnergy (kJ)
LPROTLProtein (g)
LCHOLCarbohydrate (g)
LTOTSUGLTotal Sugars (g)
LSTARLStarch (g)
ASHInorganic residue after water and organic matter removed by heating (g)
VITA_RAERetinol activity equivalent (µg)
VITAVitamin A, calculated by summation of Vitamin A activities of retinol and the active carotenoids (µg)
CARTBEQBeta-carotene equivalents (µg)
FOLDFEFolate, dietary folate equivalents (µg)


EDPORProportion consommable
KJ-INCOEnergie, Règlement UE N° 1169/2011 (kJ)
KCAL-INCOEnergie, Règlement UE N° 1169/2011 (kcal)
KJ-JONESEnergie, N x facteur Jones, avec fibres (kJ)
KCAL-JONESEnergie, N x facteur Jones, avec fibres (kcal)
EAUEau (g)
PROT-JONESProtéines, N x facteur de Jones (g)
PROTProtéines, N x 6.25 (g)
GLUCIDESGlucides (g)
LIPLipides (g)
SUCRESSucres (g)
FRUCTFructose (g)
GALACTGalactose (g)
GLUCGlucose (g)
LACTLactose (g)
MALTMaltose (g)
SACCSaccharose (g)
AMIDONAmidon (g)
AOACFIBFibres alimentaires (g)
TOTPOLYOLSPolyols totaux (g)
CENDRESCendres (g)
ALCOAlcool (g)
ORGAAcides organiques (g)
AGSAcides gras saturés (g)
AGMIAcides gras monoinsaturés (g)
AGPIAcides gras polyinsaturés (g)
AG4:0Acide gras 4:0, butyrique (g)
AG6:0Acide gras 6:0, caproïque (g)
AG8:0Acide gras 8:0, caprylique (g)
AG10:0Acide gras 10:0, caprique (g)
AG12:0Acide gras 12:0, laurique (g)
AG14:0Acide gras 14:0, myristique (g)
AG16:0Acide gras 16:0, palmitique (g)
AG18:0Acide gras 18:0, stéarique (g)
AG18:1n-9Acide gras 18:1 9c (n-9), oléique (g)
AG18:2n-6Acide gras 18:2 9c,12c (n-6), linoléique (g)
AG18:3n-3Acide gras 18:3 c9,c12,c15 (n-3), alpha-linolénique (g)
AG20:4n-6Acide gras 20:4 5c,8c,11c,14c (n-6), arachidonique (g)
AG20:5n-3Acide gras 20:5 5c,8c,11c,14c,17c (n-3), acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) (g)
AG22:6n-3Acide gras 22:6 4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c (n-3), acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) (g)
CHOLCholestérol (mg)
NACLSel chlorure de sodium (g)
CACalcium (mg)
CLChlorure (mg)
CUCuivre (mg)
FEFer (mg)
IIode (µg)
MGMagnésium (mg)
MNManganèse (mg)
PPhosphore (mg)
KPotassium (mg)
SESélénium (µg)
NASodium (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
RETRétinol (µg)
BCARBêta-Carotène (µg)
VITDVitamine D (µg)
VITEVitamine E (mg)
VITK1Vitamine K1 (µg)
VITK2Vitamine K2 (µg)
VITCVitamine C (mg)
THIAVitamine B1 ou Thiamine (mg)
RIBOVitamine B2 ou Riboflavine (mg)
NIACVitamine B3 ou PP ou Niacine (mg)
PANTOVitamine B5 ou Acide pantothénique (mg)
VITB6Vitamine B6 (mg)
FOLTVitamine B9 ou Folates totaux (µg)
VITB12Vitamine B12 (µg)
SCORE_EFScore unique EF3.1 (mPt)
CLIMATChangement climatique (kg CO2 eq)
OZONEAppauvrissement de la couche d’ozone (kg CFC11 eq)
IONISATIONRayonnements ionisants (kBq U-235 eq)
FORMA_OZONEFormation photochimique d’ozone (kg NMVOC eq)
PARTICULESExposition aux particules fines (disease incidence)
NON_CANCEROEffets toxicologiques sur la santé humaine : substances non-cancérogènes (CTUh)
CANCEROEffets toxicologiques sur la santé humaine : substances cancérogènes (CTUh)
ACIDIFICATIONAcidification terrestre et eaux douces (mol H+ eq)
EUTROPH_DOUCEEutrophisation eaux douces (kg P eq)
EUTROPH_MARINEEutrophisation marine (kg N eq)
EUTROPH_TERREEutrophisation terrestre (mol N eq)
ECOTOXI_DOUCEÉcotoxicité pour écosystèmes aquatiques d'eau douce (CTUe)
SOLSUtilisation du sol (Point LANCA)
EP_EAUÉpuisement des ressources eau (m3 depriv.)
EP_ENERGIEÉpuisement des ressources énergétiques (MJ)
EP_MINERAUXÉpuisement des ressources minéraux (kg Sb eq)


GCALEnergie (Kilokalorien) (kcal)
GJEnergie (Kilojoule) (kJ)
GCALZBEnergie inkl. Energie aus Ballaststoffen (Kilokalorien) (kcal)
GJZBEnergie inkl. Energie aus Ballaststoffen (Kilojoule) (kJ)
ZWWasser (mg)
ZEEiweiß (Protein) (mg)
ZFFett (mg)
ZKKohlenhydrate, resorbierbar (mg)
ZBBallaststoffe (mg)
ZMMineralstoffe (Rohasche) (mg)
ZOOrganische Säuren (mg)
ZAAlkohol (Ethanol) (mg)
VAVitamin A – Retinoläquivalent (µg)
VARVitamin A – Retinol (µg)
VACVitamin A - Beta-Carotin (µg)
VDVitamin D – Calciferole (µg)
VEVitamin E Gesamtaktivität (µg)
VEATVitamin E - Alpha-Tocopherol (µg)
VKVitamin K – Phyllochinon (µg)
VB1Vitamin B1 – Thiamin (µg)
VB2Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin (µg)
VB3Vitamin B3 - Niacin, Nicotinsäure (µg)
VB3AVitamin B3 – Niacinäquivalent (µg)
VB5Vitamin B5 – Pantothensäure (µg)
VB6Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxin (µg)
VB7Vitamin B7 - Biotin (Vitamin H) (µg)
VB9GVitamin B9 - gesamte Folsäure (µg)
VB12Vitamin B12 – Cobalamin (µg)
VCVitamin C – Ascorbinsäure (µg)
MNANatrium (mg)
MKKalium (mg)
MCACalcium (mg)
MMGMagnesium (mg)
MPPhospor (mg)
MSSchwefel (mg)
MCLChlorid (mg)
MFEEisen (µg)
MZNZink (µg)
MCUKupfer (µg)
MMNMangan (µg)
MFFluorid (µg)
MJIodid (µg)
KAMMannit (mg)
KASSorbit (mg)
KAXXylit (mg)
KASummer Zuckeralkohole (mg)
KMTGlucose (Traubenzucker) (mg)
KMFFructose (Fruchtzucker) (mg)
KMGGalactose (Schleimzucker) (mg)
KMMonosaccharide (mg)
KDSSaccharose (Rübenzucker) (mg)
KDMMaltose (Malzzucker) (mg)
KDLLactose (Milchzucker) (mg)
KDDisaccharide (mg)
KMDZucker (gesamt) (mg)
KPOROligosaccharide, resorbierbar (mg)
KPONOligosaccharide, resorbierbar (mg)
KPGGlykogen (tierische Stärke) (mg)
KPSStärke (mg)
KPPolysaccharide (mg)
KBPPoly-Pentosen (mg)
KBHPoly-Hexosen (mg)
KBUPoly-Uronsäure (mg)
KBCCellulose (mg)
KBLLignin (mg)
KBWWasserlösliche Ballaststoffe (mg)
KBNWasserunlösliche Ballaststoffe (mg)
EILEIsoleucin (mg)
ELEULeucin (mg)
ELYSLysin (mg)
EMETMethionin (mg)
ECYSCystein (mg)
EPHEPhenylalanin (mg)
ETYRTyrosin (mg)
ETHRThreonin (mg)
ETRPTryptophan (mg)
EVALValin (mg)
EARGArginin (mg)
EHISHistidin (mg)
EEAEssentielle Aminosäuren (mg)
EALAAlanin (mg)
EASPAsparaginsäure (mg)
EGLUGlutaminsäure (mg)
EGLYGlycin (mg)
EPROProlin (mg)
ESERSerin (mg)
ENANichtessentielle Aminosäuren (mg)
EHHarnsäure (mg)
EPPurin (mg)
F40Butansäure/Buttersäure (mg)
F60Hexansäure/Capronsäure (mg)
F80Octansäure/Caprylsäure (mg)
F100Decansäure/Caprinsäure (mg)
F120Dodecansäure/Laurinsäure (mg)
F140Tetradecansäure/Myristinsäure (mg)
F150Pentadecansäure (mg)
F160Hexadecansäure/ Palmitinsäure (mg)
F170Heptadecansäure (mg)
F180Octadecansäure/Stearinsäure (mg)
F200Eicosansäure/Arachinsäure (mg)
F220Decosensäure/Behensäure (mg)
F240Tetracosansäure/ Lignocerinsäure (mg)
FSGesättigte Fettsäuren (mg)
F141Tetradecensäure (mg)
F151Pentadecensäure (mg)
F161Hexadecensäure/ Palmitoleinsäure (mg)
F171Heptadecensäure (mg)
F181Octadecensäure/Ölsäure (mg)
F201Eicosensäure (mg)
F221Decosensäure/Erucasäure (mg)
F241Tetracosensäure/ Nervonsäure (mg)
FUEinfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren (mg)
F162Hexadecadiensäure (mg)
F164Hexadecatetraensäure (mg)
F182Octadecadiensäure/ Linolsäure (mg)
F183Octadecatriensäure/ Linolensäure (mg)
F184Octadecatetraensäure/ Stearidonsäure (mg)
F193Nonadecatriensäure (mg)
F202Eicosadiensäure (mg)
F203Eicosatriensäure (mg)
F204Eicosatetraensäure/Arachidonsäure (mg)
F205Eicosapentaensäure (mg)
F222Docosadiensäure (mg)
F223Docosatriensäure (mg)
F224Docosatetraensäure (mg)
F225Docosapentaensäure (mg)
F226Docosahexaensäure (mg)
FPMehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren (mg)
FKKurzkettige Fettsäuren (mg)
FMMittelkettige Fettsäuren (mg)
FLLangkettige Fettsäuren (mg)
FO3Omega-3-Fettsäuren (mg)
FO6Omega-6-Fettsäuren (mg)
FGGlycerin und Lipoide (mg)
FCCholesterin (mg)
GFPSP/S Verhältnis
GKBBroteinheiten BE
GMKOGesamt-Kochsalz (mg)
MSESelen (mg)
VAREVitamin A (RE)
VABCVitamin A (Beta-Carotin-Aktivität)
SchlüsselBLS or LEBTAB identifier


EDPOREdible proportion
SPECGRAVSpecific gravity
SOLDTotal solids (g)
NCFNitrogen conversion factor
GCFGlycerol conversion factor
WATERWater (g)
TOTNITTotal nitrogen (g)
PROTProtein (g)
FATFat (g)
CHOCarbohydrate (g)
KCALSEnergy (kcal)
KJEnergy (kJ)
STARStarch (g)
OLIGOOligosaccharide (g)
TOTSUGTotal sugars (g)
GLUCGlucose (g)
GALACTGalactose (g)
FRUCTFructose (g)
SUCRSucrose (g)
MALTMaltose (g)
LACTLactose (g)
ALCOAlcohol (g)
ENGFIBNon-starch polysaccharide (NSP) (g)
SATFACSaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODSaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn6PFACTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn6PFODTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn3PFACTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn3PFODTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACMonounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODMonounsaturated fatty acids (g)
POLYFACccis-Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODccis-Polyunsaturated fatty (g)
POLYFACPolyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODPolyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
SATFACx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched (g)
TOTBRFACTotal branched chain fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTBRFODTotal branched chain fatty acids (g)
FACTRANSTotal trans fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
FODTRANSTotal trans fatty acids (g)
CHOLCholesterol (mg)
NASodium (mg)
KPotassium (mg)
CACalcium (mg)
MGMagnesium (mg)
PPhosphorus (mg)
FEIron (mg)
CUCopper (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
CLChloride (mg)
MNManganese (mg)
SESelenium (µg)
IIodine (µg)
RETRetinol (µg)
CAREQUCarotene (µg)
RETEQURetinol Equivalent (µg)
VITDTotal Vitamin D (µg)
VITETotal Vitamin E (mg)
VITK1Phylloquinone - Vitamin K1 (µg)
THIAThiamin (mg)
RIBORiboflavin (mg)
NIACNiacin (mg)
TRYP60Tryptophan/60 (mg)
NIACEQUNiacin equivalent (mg)
VITB6Vitamin B6 (mg)
VITB12Vitamin B12 (µg)
FOLTFolate (µg)
PANTOPantothenate (mg)
BIOTBiotin (µg)
VITCVitamin C (mg)
ALTRETAll-trans-retinol (µg)
13CISRET13-cis-retinol (µg)
DEHYRETDehydroretinol (µg)
RETALDRetinaldehyde (µg)
ACARAlpha-carotene (µg)
BCARBeta-carotene (µg)
CRYPTCryptoxanthins (µg)
LUTLutein (µg)
LYCOLycopene (µg)
25OHD325-hydroxy vitamin D3 (µg)
VITD3Cholecalciferol (µg)
5METHF5-methyl folate (µg)
ATOPHAlpha-tocopherol (mg)
BTOPHBeta-tocopherol (mg)
DTOPHDelta-tocopherol (mg)
GTOPHGamma-tocopherol (mg)
ATOTRAlpha-tocotrienol (mg)
DTOTRDelta-tocotrienol (mg)
GTOTRGamma-tocotrienol (mg)
FAC14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 (g)
FOD16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 (g)
FAC20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:4cn6cis n-6 C20:4 eicosatetraenoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FOD20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (g)
FOD22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (g)
Total PHYTOTotal phytosterols (mg)
Other CHOL and PHYTOOther cholesterol and phytosterols (mg)
PHYTOPhytosterol (mg)
BSITPHYTOBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASPHYTOBrassicasterol (mg)
CAMPHYTOCampesterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
D7AVENDelta-7-avenasterol (mg)
D7STIGDelta-7-stigmastenol (mg)
STIGPHYTOStigmasterol (mg)
CITACitric acid (g)
MALAMalic acid (g)
LKCALLEnergy (kcal)
LKJLEnergy (kJ)
LPROTLProtein (g)
LCHOLCarbohydrate (g)
LTOTSUGLTotal Sugars (g)
LSTARLStarch (g)
ASHInorganic residue after water and organic matter removed by heating (g)
VITA_RAERetinol activity equivalent (µg)
VITAVitamin A, calculated by summation of Vitamin A activities of retinol and the active carotenoids (µg)
CARTBEQBeta-carotene equivalents (µg)
FOLDFEFolate, dietary folate equivalents (µg)
FOODCODEFood code of item from BDA tables
ANIMALPROTAnimal protein (g)
VEGPROTVegetable protein (g)
ANIMALFATAnimal fat (g)
VEGFATVegetable fat (g)
CHOSOLSoluble carbohydrates (g)
SSulphur (mg)
SUMFOD4:0,6:0,8:0,10:0Sum of butyric (C4:0), caproic (C6:0), caprylic (C8:0) and capric (C10:0) acids (g)
FOD12:0Lauric acid C12:0 (g)
FOD18:0Stearic acid C18:0 (g)
FOD20:0Arachidic acid C20:0 (g)
FOD22:0Behenic acid C22:0 (g)
FOD14:1Myristoleic acid 14:1 (g)
FOD16:1cn7Palmitoleic acid C16:1ω-7 (g)
FOD18:1cn9-cOleic acid C18:1ω-9cis (g)
FOD20:1cn9Eicosenoic acid C20:1ω-9 (g)
FOD22:1cn9Erucic acid C22:1ω-9 (g)
FOD18:2cn6Linoleic acid C18:2ω-6 (g)
FOD18:3cn3Linolenic acid C18:3ω-3 (g)
FOD20:4cn3Arachidonic acid C20:4ω-3 (g)
OTHERPOLYFODOther polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
TRPTryptophan (mg)
THRThreonine (mg)
ILEIsoleucine (mg)
LEULeucine (mg)
LYSLysine (mg)
METMethionine (mg)
CYSCystine (mg)
PHEPhenilalanine (mg)
TYRTyrosine (mg)
VALValine (mg)
ARGArginine (mg)
HISHistidine (mg)
ALAAlanine (mg)
ASPAspartic acid (mg)
GLUGlutamic acid (mg)
GLYGlycine (mg)
PROProline (mg)
SERSerine (mg)

Middle East

EDPORنسبة صالحة للأكل
SPECGRAVجاذبية معينة
SOLDمجموع المواد الصلبة (غ)
NCFعامل التحويل للنيتروجين
GCFعامل تحويل الجلسرين
WATERماء (غ)
TOTNITالنيتروجين (غ)
PROTبروتين (غ)
FATالدهون (غ)
CHOكربوهيدرات (غ)
KCALSالطاقة (كيلو كالوري)
KJالطاقة (كيلوجول)
STARالنشا (غ)
OLIGOOligosaccharide (g)
TOTSUGالسكريات الإجمالية (غ)
GLUCالجلوكوز (غ)
GALACTجالاكتوز (غ)
FRUCTالفركتوز (غ)
SUCRالسكروز (غ)
MALTالمالتوز (غ)
LACTاللاكتوز (غ)
ALCOالكحول (غ)
ENGFIBالسكريات غير النشوية (غ)
SATFACأحماض دهنية مشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الأحماض الدهنية (جرام)
SATFODأحماض دهنية مشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الطعام (جرام)
TOTn6PFACجمالي الأحماض الدهنية المتعددة غير المشبعة n-6 لكل 100 غرام من الأحماض الدهنية (غ)
TOTn6PFODإجمالي الأحماض الدهنية المتعددة غير المشبعة n-6 لكل 100 جرام من الطعام (غ)
TOTn3PFACإجمالي الأحماض الدهنية المتعددة غير المشبعة n-3 لكل 100 غرام من الأحماض الدهنية (غ)
TOTn3PFODإجمالي الأحماض الدهنية المتعددة غير المشبعة n-3 لكل 100 جرام من الطعام (غ)
MONOFACcأحماض دهنية أحادية غير مشبعة رابطة الدول المستقلة لكل 100 غرام من الأحماض الدهنية (غ)
MONOFODcأحماض دهنية أحادية غير مشبعة رابطة الدول المستقلة لكل 100 جرام من الأطعمة (غ)
MONOFACأحماض دهنية أحادية غير مشبعة رابطة الدول المستقلة لكل 100 جرام طعام (غ)
MONOFODأحماض دهنية أحادية غير مشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الأحماض الدهنية (جم)
POLYFACcأحماض دهنية متعددة غير مشبعة رابطة الدول المستقلة / 100 غرام من الأحماض الدهنية (غ)
POLYFODcأحماض دهنية متعددة غير مشبعة رابطة الدول المستقلة / 100 جرام طعام (غ)
POLYFACأحماض دهنية متعددة غير مشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الأحماض الدهنية (جم)
POLYFODأحماض دهنية متعددة غير مشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الطعام (جم)
SATFACx6أحماض دهنية مشبعة باستثناء المتفرعة لكل 100 جرام من الأحماض الدهنية (جم)
SATFODx6أحماض دهنية مشبعة باستثناء المتفرعة لكل 100 جرام طعام (جم)
TOTBRFACإجمالي السلسلة المتفرعة لكل 100 جرام من الأحماض الدهنية (جم)
TOTBRFODإجمالي السلاسل المتفرعة لكل 100 جرام طعام (جم)
FACTRANSإجمالي الأحماض الدهنية غير المشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الأحماض الدهنية (جرام)
FODTRANSإجمالي الأحماض الدهنية غير المشبعة لكل 100 جرام من الطعام (جرام)
CHOLكوليسترول (ملغ)
NAصوديوم (ملغ)
Kبوتاسيوم (ملغ)
CAالكالسيوم (ملغ)
MGالمغنيسيوم (ملغ)
Pالفوسفور (ملغ)
FEالحديد (ملغ)
CUالنحاس (ملغ)
ZNزنك (ملغ)
CLكلوريد (ملغ)
MNالمنغنيز (ملغ)
SEالسيلينيوم (مكغ)
Iاليود (مكغ)
RETالريتينول (مكغ)
CAREQUكاروتين (ميكروغرام)
RETEQUما يعادل الريتينول (مكغ)
VITDإجمالي فيتامين د (مكغ)
VITEإجمالي فيتامين هـ (ملغ)
VITK1فيلوكينون - فيتامين ك 1 (مكغ)
THIAالثيامين (ملغ)
RIBOريبوفلافين (ملغ)
NIACالنياسين (ملغ)
TRYP60تريبتوفان / 60 (مجم)
NIACEQUما يعادل النياسين (ملغ)
VITB6فيتامين ب 6 (ملغ)
VITB12فيتامين ب 12 (مكغ)
FOLTحمض الفوليك (مكغ)
PANTOبانتوثينات (ملغ)
BIOTالبيوتين (مكغ)
VITCفيتامين سي (مغ)
ALTRETAll-trans-retinol (µg)
13CISRET13-cis-retinol (µg)
DEHYRETDehydroretinol (µg)
RETALDريتينالديهيد (مكغ)
ACARألفا كاروتين (مكغ)
BCARبيتا كاروتين (ميكروغرام)
CRYPTCryptoxanthins (µg)
LUTلوتين (مكغ)
LYCOالليكوبين (مكغ)
25OHD325-hydroxy vitamin D3 (µg)
VITD3Cholecalciferol (µg)
5METHF5-methyl folate (µg)
ATOPHAlpha-tocopherol (mg)
BTOPHBeta-tocopherol (mg)
DTOPHDelta-tocopherol (mg)
GTOPHGamma-tocopherol (mg)
ATOTRAlpha-tocotrienol (mg)
DTOTRDelta-tocotrienol (mg)
GTOTRGamma-tocotrienol (mg)
FAC14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 (g)
FOD16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 (g)
FAC20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:4cn6cis n-6 C20:4 eicosatetraenoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FOD20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (g)
FOD22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (g)
Total PHYTOTotal phytosterols (mg)
Other CHOL and PHYTOOther cholesterol and phytosterols (mg)
PHYTOPhytosterol (mg)
BSITPHYTOBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASPHYTOBrassicasterol (mg)
CAMPHYTOCampesterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
D7AVENDelta-7-avenasterol (mg)
D7STIGDelta-7-stigmastenol (mg)
STIGPHYTOStigmasterol (mg)
CITACitric acid (g)
MALAMalic acid (g)
LKCALLEnergy (kcal)
LKJLEnergy (kJ)
LPROTLProtein (g)
LCHOLCarbohydrate (g)
LTOTSUGLTotal Sugars (g)
LSTARLStarch (g)


EDPOREdible proportion
SPECGRAVSpecific gravity
SOLDTotal solids (g)
NCFNitrogen conversion factor
GCFGlycerol conversion factor
WATERWater (g)
TOTNITTotal nitrogen (g)
PROTProtein (g)
FATFat (g)
CHOCarbohydrate (g)
KCALSEnergy (kcal)
KJEnergy (kJ)
STARStarch (g)
OLIGOOligosaccharide (g)
TOTSUGTotal sugars (g)
GLUCGlucose (g)
GALACTGalactose (g)
FRUCTFructose (g)
SUCRSucrose (g)
MALTMaltose (g)
LACTLactose (g)
ALCOAlcohol (g)
ENGFIBNon-starch polysaccharide (NSP) (g)
SATFACSaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODSaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn6PFACTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn6PFODTotal n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
TOTn3PFACTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTn3PFODTotal n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODccis-Monounsaturated fatty acids (g)
MONOFACMonounsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
MONOFODMonounsaturated fatty acids (g)
POLYFACccis-Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODccis-Polyunsaturated fatty (g)
POLYFACPolyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
POLYFODPolyunsaturated fatty acids (g)
SATFACx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched per 100g fatty acid (g)
SATFODx6Saturated fatty acids excluding branched (g)
TOTBRFACTotal branched chain fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
TOTBRFODTotal branched chain fatty acids (g)
FACTRANSTotal trans fatty acids per 100g fatty acid (g)
FODTRANSTotal trans fatty acids (g)
CHOLCholesterol (mg)
NASodium (mg)
KPotassium (mg)
CACalcium (mg)
MGMagnesium (mg)
PPhosphorus (mg)
FEIron (mg)
CUCopper (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
CLChloride (mg)
MNManganese (mg)
SESelenium (µg)
IIodine (µg)
RETRetinol (µg)
CAREQUCarotene (µg)
RETEQURetinol Equivalent (µg)
VITDTotal Vitamin D (µg)
VITETotal Vitamin E (mg)
VITK1Phylloquinone - Vitamin K1 (µg)
THIAThiamin (mg)
RIBORiboflavin (mg)
NIACNiacin (mg)
TRYP60Tryptophan/60 (mg)
NIACEQUNiacin equivalent (mg)
VITB6Vitamin B6 (mg)
VITB12Vitamin B12 (µg)
FOLTFolate (µg)
PANTOPantothenate (mg)
BIOTBiotin (µg)
VITCVitamin C (mg)
ALTRETAll-trans-retinol (µg)
13CISRET13-cis-retinol (µg)
DEHYRETDehydroretinol (µg)
RETALDRetinaldehyde (µg)
ACARAlpha-carotene (µg)
BCARBeta-carotene (µg)
CRYPTCryptoxanthins (µg)
LUTLutein (µg)
LYCOLycopene (µg)
25OHD325-hydroxy vitamin D3 (µg)
VITD3Cholecalciferol (µg)
5METHF5-methyl folate (µg)
ATOPHAlpha-tocopherol (mg)
BTOPHBeta-tocopherol (mg)
DTOPHDelta-tocopherol (mg)
GTOPHGamma-tocopherol (mg)
ATOTRAlpha-tocotrienol (mg)
DTOTRDelta-tocotrienol (mg)
GTOTRGamma-tocotrienol (mg)
FAC14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD14:0Tetradecanoic acid C14:0 (g)
FOD16:0Hexadecanoic acid C16:0 (g)
FAC20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:4cn6cis n-6 C20:4 eicosatetraenoic acid per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FAC22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per 100g fatty acids (g)
FOD20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FOD20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (g)
FOD22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (g)
Total PHYTOTotal phytosterols (mg)
Other CHOL and PHYTOOther cholesterol and phytosterols (mg)
PHYTOPhytosterol (mg)
BSITPHYTOBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASPHYTOBrassicasterol (mg)
CAMPHYTOCampesterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
D7AVENDelta-7-avenasterol (mg)
D7STIGDelta-7-stigmastenol (mg)
STIGPHYTOStigmasterol (mg)
CITACitric acid (g)
MALAMalic acid (g)
LKCALLEnergy (kcal)
LKJLEnergy (kJ)
LPROTLProtein (g)
LCHOLCarbohydrate (g)
LTOTSUGLTotal Sugars (g)
LSTARLStarch (g)
ASHInorganic residue after water and organic matter removed by heating (g)
VITA_RAERetinol activity equivalent (µg)
VITAVitamin A, calculated by summation of Vitamin A activities of retinol and the active carotenoids (µg)
CARTBEQBeta-carotene equivalents (µg)
FOLDFEFolate, dietary folate equivalents (µg)
SALTSalt (g)
BGLUCANBeta-glucan (mg)


EDPORProporción comestible
SPECGRAVGravedad específica
SOLDSólidos totales (g)
NCFFactor de conversión de nitrógeno
GCFFactor de conversión de glicerol
WATERAgua (g)
TOTNITNitrógeno (g)
PROTProteína (g)
FATGrasa (g)
CHOCarbohidratos (g)
KCALSEnergía (kcal)
KJEnergía (kJ)
STARAlmidón (g)
OLIGOOligosacáridos (g)
TOTSUGAzúcar total (g)
GLUCGlucosa (g)
GALACTGalactosa (g)
FRUCTFructosa (g)
SUCRSacarosa (g)
MALTMaltosa (g)
LACTLactosa (g)
ALCOAlcohol (g)
ENGFIBPolisacárido sin almidón (g)
SATFACÁcidos grasos saturados por 100g de ácido graso (g)
SATFODÁcidos grasos saturados (g)
TOTn6PFACÁcidos grasos poliinsaturados n-6 totales por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
TOTn6PFODÁcidos grasos poliinsaturados n-6 totales (g)
TOTn3PFACÁcidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 totales por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
TOTn3PFODÁcidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 totales (g)
MONOFACcÁcidos grasos cis-monoinsaturados por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
MONOFODcÁcidos grasos cis-monoinsaturados (g)
MONOFACÁcidos grasos monoinsaturados por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
MONOFODÁcidos grasos monoinsaturados (g)
POLYFACcÁcidos grasos cis-poliinsaturados por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
POLYFODcÁcidos grasos cis-poliinsaturados (g)
POLYFACÁcidos grasos poliinsaturados por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
POLYFODÁcidos grasos poliinsaturadoss (g)
SATFACx6Ácidos grasos saturados excluyendo los ramificados por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
SATFODx6Ácidos grasos saturados, excepto los ramificados (g)
TOTBRFACCadena ramificada total por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
TOTBRFODCadena ramificada total (g)
FACTRANSÁcidos grasos trans totales por 100 g de ácido graso (g)
FODTRANSÁcidos grasos trans totales (g)
CHOLColesterol (mg)
NASodio (mg)
KPotasio (mg)
CACalcio (mg)
MGMagnesio (mg)
PFósforo (mg)
FEHierro (mg)
CUCobre (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
CLCloruro (mg)
MNManganeso (mg)
SESelenio (µg)
IYodo (µg)
RETRetinol (µg)
CAREQUCaroteno (µg)
RETEQUEquivalente de retinol (µg)
VITDVitamina D total (µg)
VITEVitamina E total (mg)
VITK1Filoquinona - Vitamina K1 (µg)
THIATiamina (mg)
RIBORiboflavina (mg)
NIACNiacina (mg)
TRYP60Triptófano/60 (mg)
NIACEQUEquivalente de niacina (mg)
VITB6Vitamina B6 (mg)
VITB12Vitamina B12 (µg)
FOLTFolato (µg)
PANTOPantotenato (mg)
BIOTBiotina (µg)
VITCVitamina C (mg)
ALTRETTodos-los trans-retinol (µg)
13CISRET13-cis-retinol (µg)
DEHYRETDehidroretinol (µg)
RETALDRetinaldehído (µg)
ACARAlfa-caroteno (µg)
BCARBetacaroteno (µg)
CRYPTCriptoxantinas (µg)
LUTLuteína (µg)
LYCOLicopeno (µg)
25OHD325-hidroxi vitamina D3 (µg)
VITD3Colecalciferol (µg)
5METHF5-metil folato (µg)
ATOPHAlfa-tocoferol (mg)
BTOPHBeta-tocoferol (mg)
DTOPHDelta-tocoferol (mg)
GTOPHGamma-tocoferol (mg)
ATOTRAlfa-tocotrienol (mg)
DTOTRDelta-tocotrienol (mg)
GTOTRGamma-tocotrienol (mg)
FAC14:0Ácido tetradecanoico C14:0 por 100g de ácidos grasos (g)
FAC16:0Ácido hexadecanoico C16:0 por 100g de ácidos grasos (g)
FOD14:0Ácido tetradecanoico C14:0 (g)
FOD16:0Ácido hexadecanoico C16:0 (g)
FAC20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 ácido eicosatrienoico por 100g de ácidos grasos (g)
FAC20:4cn6cis n-6 C20:4 ácido eicosatetraenoico por 100g de ácidos grasos (g)
FAC20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 ácido eicosapentaenoico por 100g de ácidos grasos (g)
FAC22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA) por 100g de ácidos grasos (g)
FOD20:3cn6cis n-6 C20:3 ácido eicosatrienoico (g)
FOD20:5cn3cis n-3 C20:5 ácido eicosapentaenoico (g)
FOD22:6cn3cis n-3 C22:6 ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA) (g)
Total PHYTOFitosteroles totales (mg)
Other CHOL and PHYTOOtro colesterol y fitoesteroles (mg)
PHYTOFitosterol (mg)
BSITPHYTOBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASPHYTOBrassicasterol (mg)
CAMPHYTOCampesterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
D7AVENDelta-7-avenasterol (mg)
D7STIGDelta-7-estigmasterol (mg)
STIGPHYTOEstigmasterol (mg)
CITAÁcido cítrico (g)
MALAÁcido málico (g)
LKCAL(no disponible en versión en español)
LKJ(no disponible en versión en español)
LPROT(no disponible en versión en español)
LCHO(no disponible en versión en español)
LTOTSUG(no disponible en versión en español)
LSTAR(no disponible en versión en español)
ASHResiduo inorgánico después de que el agua y la materia orgánica se eliminen por calentamiento (g)
VITA_RAEEquivalente de actividad de retinol (µg)
VITAVitamina A, calculada por suma de las actividades de vitamina A del retinol y los carotenoides activos (µg)
CARTBEQEquivalentes de betacaroteno (µg)
FOLDFEFolato, equivalentes dietéticos de folato (µg)
FOODCODEFood code of item, from BEDCA tables
FOD12:0Lauric acid C12:0 (g)
FOD18:0Stearic acid C18:0 (g)
FOD18:1cn9Oleic acid C18:1ω-9cis (g)
FOD18:2Linoleic acid C18:2 (g)
FOD18:3alpha-Linoleic acid C18:3 (g)
FOD20:4cn3Arachidonic acid C20:4ω-3 (g)

English (US)

WATERWater (g)
KCALSEnergy (kcal)
KJEnergy (kJ)
AGFKCALSEnergy (Atwater General Factors) (kcal)
ASFKCALSEnergy (Atwater Specific Factors) (kcal)
TOTNITNitrogen (g)
PROTProtein (g)
FATTotal lipid (fat) (g)
NLEAFATTotal fat (NLEA) (g)
ASHAsh (g)
DIFCHOCarbohydrate, by difference (g)
SUMCHOCarbohydrate, by summation (g)
TOTFIBFiber, total dietary (g)
SOLFIBFiber, soluble (g)
INSOLFIBFiber, insoluble (g)
AOACFIBTotal dietary fiber (AOAC 2011.25) (g)
TOTSUGSugars, total including NLEA (g)
NLEASUGSugars, total NLEA (g)
SUCRSucrose (g)
GLUCGlucose (dextrose) (g)
FRUCTFructose (g)
LACTLactose (g)
MALTMaltose (g)
GALACTGalactose (g)
STARStarch (g)
CITACitric acid (mg)
MALAMalic acid (mg)
CACalcium (mg)
FEIron (mg)
MGMagnesium (mg)
PPhosphorus (mg)
KPotassium (mg)
NASodium (mg)
ZNZinc (mg)
CUCopper (mg)
MNManganese (mg)
IIodine (μg)
SESelenium (μg)
FFluoride (μg)
BBoron (μg)
COCobalt (μg)
MOMolybdenum (μg)
NINickel (μg)
SSulfur (mg)
VITCVitamin C (mg)
THIAThiamin (mg)
RIBORiboflavin (mg)
NIACNiacin (mg)
PANTOPantothenic acid (mg)
VITB6Vitamin B-6 (mg)
BIOTBiotin (μg)
TOTFOLTFolate, total (μg)
FOLACIDFolic acid (μg)
FODFOLTFolate, food (μg)
DFEFOLTFolate, dietary folate equivalents (μg)
5-HCOH45-Formyltetrahydrofolic acid (μg)
5-MTHF5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (μg)
10HCOFA10-Formyl folic acid (μg)
TOTCHOLCholine, total (mg)
FREECHOLCholine, free (mg)
LPCHOLCholine, from phosphocholine (mg)
PTCCHOLCholine, from phosphotidyl choline (mg)
GPCCHOLCholine, from glycerophosphocholine (mg)
SMCHOLCholine, from sphingomyelin mg)
BETBetaine (mg)
VITB12Vitamin B-12 (μg)
addVITB12Vitamin B-12, added (μg)
VITAVitamin A, RAE (μg)
RETRetinol (μg)
BCARCarotene, beta (μg)
cBCARcis-beta-Carotene (μg)
tBCARtrans-beta-Carotene (μg)
ACARCarotene, alpha (μg)
BCRYPTCryptoxanthin, beta (μg)
ACRYPTCryptoxanthin, alpha (μg)
VITAIUVitamin A, IU (IU)
LYCOLycopene (μg)
cLYCOcis-Lycopene (μg)
tLYCOtrans-Lycopene (μg)
LUTZEALutein + zeaxanthin (μg)
cLUTZEAcis-Lutein/Zeaxanthin (μg)
LUTLutein (μg)
ZEAZeaxanthin (μg)
VITEVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) (mg)
addVITEVitamin E, added (mg)
BTOPHTocopherol, beta (mg)
GTOPHTocopherol, gamma (mg)
DTOPHTocopherol, delta (mg)
ATOTRTocotrienol, alpha (mg)
BTOTRTocotrienol, beta (mg)
GTOTRTocotrienol, gamma (mg)
DTOTRTocotrienol, delta (mg)
VITDIUVitamin D (D2 + D3), International Units (IU)
VITDVitamin D (D2 + D3) (μg)
VITD2Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) (μg)
VITD3Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) (μg)
25OHD325-hydroxycholecalciferol (μg)
VITK1Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (μg)
VITdK1Vitamin K (Dihydrophylloquinone) (μg)
VITK2Vitamin K (Menaquinone-4) (μg)
SATFATFatty acids, total saturated (g)
FAT4:0Butanoic acid (g)
FAT5:0Pentanoic acid (g)
FAT6:0Hexanoic acid (g)
FAT7:0Heptanoic acid (g)
FAT8:0Octanoic acid (g)
FAT9:0Nonanoic acid (g)
FAT10:0Decanoic acid (g)
FAT11:0Undecanoic acid (g)
FAT12:0Dodecanoic acid (g)
FAT13:0Tridecanoic acid (g)
FAT14:0Tetradecanoic acid (g)
FAT15:0Pentadecanoic acid (g)
FAT16:0Hexadecanoic acid (g)
FAT17:0Heptadecanoic acid (g)
FAT18:0Octadecanoic acid (g)
FAT20:0Eicosanoic acid (g)
FAT21:0Heneicosanoic acid (g)
FAT22:0Docosanoic acid (g)
FAT23:0Tricosanoic acid (g)
FAT24:0Tetracosanoic acid (g)
MONOFATFatty acids, total monounsaturated (g)
FAT12:1Dodecenoic acid (g)
FAT14:1Tetradecenoic acid (g)
FAT14:1ccis-Tetradecenoic acid (g)
FAT15:1Pentadecenoic acid (g)
FAT16:1Hexadecenoic acid (g)
FAT16:1ccis-Hexadecenoic acid (g)
FAT17:1Heptadecenoic acid (g)
FAT17:1ccis-Heptadecenoic acid (g)
FAT18:1Octadecenoic acid (g)
FAT18:1ccis-Octadecenoic acid (g)
FAT18:1-11ttrans-omega-7-Octadecenoic acid (g)
FAT20:1Eicosenoic acid (g)
FAT20:1ccis-Eicosenoic acid (g)
FAT22:1Docosaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:1ccis-Docosaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:1n11omega-11-Docosaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:1n9omega-9-Docosaenoic acid (g)
FAT24:1ccis-Tetracosenoic acid (g)
POLYFATFatty acids, total polyunsaturated (g)
FAT18:2Octadecadienoic acid (g)
FAT18:2ccis-Octadecadienoic acid (g)
FAT18:2CLAsConjugated linoleic acids (g)
FAT18:2iIsomer of trans-Octadecadienoic acid (g)
FAT18:2n6omega-6-Octadecadienoic acid (g)
FAT18:3Octadecatrienoic acid (g)
FAT18:3ccis-Octadecatrienoic acid (g)
FAT18:3n3omega-3-Octadecatrienoic acid (g)
FAT18:3n6omega-6-Octadecatrienoic acid (g)
FAT18:3iIsomer of trans-Octadecatrienoic acid (g)
FAT18:4Octadecatetraenoic acid (g)
FAT20:2ccis-Ecosodienoic acid (g)
FAT20:2n6omega-6-Ecosodienoic acid (g)
FAT20:3Eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FAT20:3ccis-Eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FAT20:3n3omega-3-Eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FAT20:3n6omega-6-Eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FAT20:3n9omega-9-Eicosatrienoic acid (g)
FAT20:4Eicosatetraenoic acid (g)
FAT20:4ccis-Eicosatetraenoic acid (g)
FAT20:4n6omega-6-Eicosatetraenoic acid (g)
FAT20:5ccis-Ecosapentaenoic acid (g)
FAT20:5n3omega-3-Ecosapentaenoic acid (g)
FAT21:5Heneicosapentaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:2Docosadienoic acid (g)
FAT22:3Docosatrienoic acid (g)
FAT22:4Docosatetraenoic acid (g)
FAT22:5ccis-Docosapentaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:5n3omega-3-Docosapentaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:6ccis-Docosahexaenoic acid (g)
FAT22:6n3omega-3-Docosahexaenoic acid (g)
TRANSFATFatty acids, total trans (g)
TRANSMFATFatty acids, total trans-monoenoic (g)
FAT14:1ttrans-Tetradecenoic acid (g)
FAT16:1ttrans-Hexadecenoic acid (g)
FAT18:1ttrans-Octadecenoic acid (g)
FAT20:1ttrans-Eicosenoic acid (g)
FAT22:1ttrans-Docosaenoic acid (g)
TRANSDFATFatty acids, total trans-dienoic (g)
FAT18:2ttrans-Octadecadienoic acid (g)
FAT18:2t,ttrans,trans-Octadecadienoic acid (g)
TRANSPFATFatty acids, total trans-polyenoic (g)
FAT18:3ttrans-Octadecatrienoic acid (g)
CHOLSTERCholesterol (mg)
PHYTOPhytosterols (mg)
OTHERPHYTOPhytosterols, other (mg)
STIGSTERStigmasterol (mg)
CAMPSTANCampestanol (mg)
CAMPSTERCampesterol (mg)
BSITOSTANBeta-sitostanol (mg)
BSITOSTERBeta-sitosterol (mg)
BRASSTERBrassicasterol (mg)
D5AVENDelta-5-avenasterol (mg)
TRPTryptophan (g)
THRThreonine (g)
ILEIsoleucine (g)
LEULeucine (g)
LYSLysine (g)
METMethionine (g)
CYSTICystine (g)
PHEPhenylalanine (g)
TYRTyrosine (g)
VALValine (g)
ARGArginine (g)
HISHistidine (g)
ALAAlanine (g)
ASPAspartic acid (g)
GLUGlutamic acid (g)
GLYGlycine (g)
PROProline (g)
SERSerine (g)
HYPHydroxyproline (g)
CYSCysteine (g)
TAURTaurine (g)
GLNGlutamine (g)
ALCOAlcohol, ethyl (g)
CAFFCaffeine (mg)
THEOBTheobromine (g)
SPECGRAVSpecific gravity
XYLOXylose (g)
addSUGAdded Sugar (g)
OTHCHOCarbohydrates (other i.e. a calculation other than summation or difference) (g)
ateVITEVitamin E (total activity) (mg_ATE)
SUGALCOSugar alcohols (g)
CRChromium (μg)
INOSInositol (mg)
SORBISorbitol (g)
VITEIUVitamin E (IU)
CLChloride (mg)